Identify and Resolve Dental Emergencies in Moorestown Right Away

What are Dental Emergencies in Moorestown, NJ?
Anything that causes you extreme pain or discomfort is a bad sign. It is possible that you may have a tooth abscess, which could be fatal if left untreated. A tooth abscess is a collection of pus and debris underneath the root of a tooth. Other signs of a tooth abscess can include bumps on the gumline, swelling in the face, tender lymph nodes, and high fever. An abscess is a serious emergency so if you are experiencing any of these signs, be sure to call Dr. Maliha immediately.
Signs you may need medical attention:
● Shooting pain
● Blood in your mouth
● Lost tooth, crown, or filling
If you knocked out a tooth:
1. Do not pick up the tooth by the root, hold it by the chewing surface
2. Place your tooth back in the socket. If it is a child’s tooth, do NOT put it back. This could damage future adult teeth forming underneath the surface
3. You could also put the tooth in milk, this will help keep cells alive for a short time
4. Call Dr. Maliha immediately
What is not a dental emergency:
If you have a chipped tooth that may not be too severe, you can probably just make an appointment to see Dr. Maliha as soon as possible. The chip would only need medical attention if it had left sharp edges or if it is extremely painful. A toothache can wait until the earliest available appointment as long as there are no other signs indicating an abscess, like a fever or swelling of your gums and face.
The best way to treat dental emergencies in Moorestown, NJ is to prevent one. Be sure to follow treatment plans set by Dr. Maliha and practice good oral hygiene. If you feel that you are having a serious issue that requires immediate medical attention, call our office at (856) 222-3445 right away.